December 15, 2002
Office Depot Center, Sunrise, Florida
Attendance: 9,000
Armageddon 2002 came at the end of a big period of change for WWE.
With the Invasion angle now but a distant memory, the company had gone into the New Year with a bloated roster, leading to the creation of the first roster draft.
Shortly after, the World Wrestling Federation (WWF) became World Wrestling Entertainment (WWE), and, shortly after that, one of the company’s biggest stars of the previous decade, Shawn Michaels, had returned to action following a four-year hiatus.
In another landmark moment for 2002, the Elimination Chamber was invented and took place at Survivor Series ’02, giving Michaels a World Heavyweight Championship win and quickly re-establishing himself as the main event attraction that he was.
Tonight, Michaels would head back to the main event to defend that title against former friend turned bitter rival, Triple H, while on the undercard, the WWE’s last PPV of the year would see young stars like Dave Batista and John Cena start their journey to the top.
Here’s what went down when Armageddon 2002 came to Sunrise, Florida.
The End is Here
Tonight’s show began with all of WWE’s trademark opening video staples.

You wanted an elderly Freddie Blassie waxing philosophical like he’d done in countless other videos in the past?
You got it.
You wanted shots of that abandoned warehouse they always showed?
You got that too.
You wanted that bad ass rip-off of The Doors’ that featured on several other PPVs?
Here it was!
You wanted shots of wrestlers interspersed with random pictures of missiles and war-torn lands?
Yep, you got that too.
Ok, so it wasn’t the most impressive video of all time, but it was still mighty good.
With the video over, we got crowd shots and a greeting from our announcers Jim Ross & Jerry ‘The King’ Lawler who led us right into our opening match.
Four Team Elimination Match for the WWE World Tag Team Championship
World Tag Team Champions Chris Jericho & Christian vs. The Dudley Boyz (D-Von & Bubba Ray Dudley) vs. Lance Storm & William Regal vs. Booker T & Goldust
I’ve got to be honest with you, dear readers, this match was a bit of a letdown, at least in the early going.

After a few minutes of decent but unremarkable action, the recently reunited Dudley Boyz got taken out, followed quickly by Lance Storm and William Regal, denying this fan of the opportunity to see some kind of interaction between Storm and his former Thrillseekers partner, Chris Jericho.
With those two teams out of the running, Jericho and Christian went at it with Booker T and Goldust in what turned out to be a fun and explosive exchange.
It was good stuff, but I couldn’t help but feel that the match would have been a lot better had they kept it as a straight 2 vs. 2 between the two remaining teams.
After a good effort, Booker put Jericho away to capture the gold for his team.
Your Winners and New Tag Team Champions: Booker T & Goldust
Post-match, the new champions were interviewed at ringside by Jonathan Coachman, with The Booker Man putting his partner over and working the crowd.
Will Brock Be in Angle’s Corner?
Out in the back, Smackdown backstage reporter Josh Matthews asked Brock Lesnar whether he would be in Kurt Angle’s corner tonight against WWE Champion The Big Show.

Rather than give Matthews a straight answer, The Next Big Thing simply promised to make an impact on tonight’s show.
Edge vs. A-Train
I don’t know about you, but A-Train was always one of those wrestlers who -though he wasn’t terrible in the ring- I certainly never had any desire to watch wrestle.

He got his way into this match by virtue of beating up Edge’s buddy and tag partner Rey Mysterio before costing the future Rated R Superstar a shot at the title.
The match was surprisingly enjoyable. Not amazing by any stretch, but certainly a solid performance from both men.
After a good outing with a couple of exciting near falls, A-Train got fed up and blasted Edge in his supposedly injured knee with a chair.
Your Winner via DQ: Edge
Afterwards, Edge went loco and destroyed his nemesis with the chair, much to the delight of the audience.
Big Show Wants Respect
Backstage, an angry Big Show ranted to Paul Heyman about not getting any respect. For some reason that I couldn’t quite follow, he had decided they the best way to get it was to barge into Stephanie McMahon’s office.

Before he could do that, however, the champion’s agent, Paul Heyman convinced him to go prepare for his match instead, insisting that he, Heyman, would handle everything.
WWE Tag Team Champion Eddie Guerrero vs. Chris Benoit
With Michael Cole informing us that the winner of this match would inevitably get a title match, both Chris Benoit and Eddie Guerrero made their way to the ring with purpose.

As they did so, you got a distinct feeling that this was about to be a show stealer and proverbial Match of the Night candidate
Unfortunately, these two talented performers failed to live up to expectations on this particular night.
The first half of the match saw Guerrero and Benoit focus on a mat-based approach with lots of holds and chain wrestling. It was solid, but unfortunately, it only served to elicit a noticeable “boring”
chant from the Florida faithful.
The two would occasionally liven things up by trading rolling German suplexes or having Guerrero leap off the top to the outside with a big time crossbody on his former Radicalz teammate, but then it was back to basics.
Things picked up towards the finish (which saw Eddie tap to the Crossface) but by that point it was too little, too late.
This was a fine match, for sure, but just not what the crowd wanted to see and by no means either man’s best outing.
Your Winner: Chris Benoit
Back in Stephane McMahon’s office, the Smackdown GM refused Paul Heyman’s request to ban Brock Lesnar from being in Kurt Angle’s corner tonight.

Steph refused, prompting Heyman to sweat that if Lesnar did get involved tonight, Big Show would break his neck.
No lie, the interaction between Steph and Heyman was one of the most entertaining things on the show so far.
Dawn Marie Seduces Torrie Wilson
Up next, we saw a video package of the time Dawn Marie promised to call off her marriage to Al Wilson if his daughter Torrie Wilson spent the night with her in her hotel room.

This was followed by Dawn and Al coming to the ring where the former began rolling footage from said hotel room where she began to seduce Torrie.
The live crowd ate it up, but, honestly, it wasn’t sexy in the slightest. It was weird and uncomfortable and this writer for one was glad when Al Wilson put his foot down and ordered Dawn Marie to
That was horrible.
Kane vs. Batista (w/ Ric Flair)
Batista hit the ring to what sounded like a demo version of his signature “I Walk Alone” theme while Jim Ross told us that the future champion was making his PPV debut here.

Ross wasn’t wrong here, this was certainly his PPV debut match, but he’d technically appeared before as Reverend D-Von’s hired muscle back at Judgement Day 2002.
With Ric Flair in his corner, Batista went up against Kane in a match that was…OK.
Sure, it was competently performed and a strong effort from both men, but the match simply wasn’t that interesting or exciting.
What’s more, the regular interference from Flair (who was the most popular man in the whole thing) took the shine of his rising star protege.
After a so-so outing, Batista put away Kane for the three.
Your Winner: Batista
Out in the back, Kurt Angle searched for Brock Lesnar…
Cena Raps
Up next, heel John Cena came out with Bull “B-12” Buchanan in tow to spit lyrics about how awesome he was.

The whole thing, which sounded more like slam poetry than actual rapping, was greeted with near silence from the crowd.
WWE Women’s Championship
WWE Women’s Champion Victoria vs. Trish Stratus vs. Jacqueline
Prior to the match, we were taken back to Survivor Series 2002 where Victoria beat Trish Stratus for the women’s championship, after which she stole Jacqueline’s clothes for no other reason than the fact that she was supposed to be off her rocker.

The match was a good effort by all three women but, much like the previous bout, did almost nothing to capture the imagination and compel you watch.
After several minutes, the reigning champion picked up the fall to continue her big-time push.
Your Winner and Still WWE Champion: Victoria
After the match, a victorious Victoria stole Jacqui’s hat and took it to the back.
Time for Retribution
Out in the back, Kurt Angle tried to persuade Brock Lesnar to be his corner for tonight’s WWE title match by reminding him that he would be only 20ft away from the man who screwed him out of the gold, Paul Heyman.
In a compelling segment, Lesnar refused to confirm that he’d be there, but did promise that Angle wouldn’t regret helping to get his recent suspension lifted.
This was followed by a video package highlighting the Lesnar/Angle/Show/Heyman storyline before we went down to our penultimate match of the evening.
WWE Championship
WWE Champion The Big Show (w/ Paul Heyman) vs. Kurt Angle
This was a decent match that was hampered by having the Lesnar appearance tease lingering overhead.

Angle tried to use his speed and agility to get the better of Big Show in the early going, but the champion countered by using his strength and size to his advantage and wearing The Olympic Gold Medalist down.
It was as good as you could ask for from a match involving The Big Show, but it was met with reserved applause from an audience who were clearly just waiting for Lesnar to show up.
In fact, when the referee got knocked down along with the two combatants, the crowd merely chanted “We want Brock!”
They would, of course, get him, but not before A-Train ran in with a completely random attack on the challenger.
Eventually, The Next Big Thing hit the ring while official Mike Chioda was napping and hit Show with an F-5.
It got the biggest response of the whole match and led to Angle covering Show to capture his third WWE title.
Your Winner and New WWE Champion: Kurt Angle
Prior to the main event, Rob Van Dam came to us live from The World to give us his prediction.
Though he’d been in the ring with both men and knew how tough they were, The Whole F’N Show gave the nod to Michaels, noting that there was nothing he loved more than seeing Triple H get his ass kicked.
Three Stages of Hell Match for the WWE World Heavyweight Championship
WWE World Heavyweight Champion Shawn Michaels vs. Triple H (w/ Ric Flair)
I’ve read numerous complaints from other reviewers who say that something about this match just didn’t click or wasn’t quite right.

Honestly, I’m not sure I agree with them.
This was a good match. It didn’t live up to their awesome unsanctioned match back at Summerslam 2002, but it was enjoyable in its own right.
Both champ and challenger wasted no time in going at one another with fists, fury, and a flurry of weapons as they battled in a street fight.
Triple H won that round after planting HBK with his patented pedigree.
The second fall was a cage match, and it’s here where I’ve seen this contest draw the most criticism, as surely it would have been better to end the match on that one?
Again, I don’t agree with that criticism as it allowed both men to masterfully tease a spot where Michaels would have crashed off the cage through a two-tier stack of four tables, leaving fans wanting more.
They didn’t get it at that moment. Instead, they rolled back into the ring where Ric Flair’s interference infuriated the champion to the point where we got a great spot in which the defending champion simply went ape shit on his adversaries.
This entertaining part of the match saw HBK take out both Flair and Hunter before pinning the latter to even the score.
Blood soaked and battered, the two men intensified their fight in the third and final fall, a ladder match.
Separately, both men had given us better ladder matches than this one, but it was still gripping in its own right.
After six or seven minutes of war, The Showstopper took out his rival then slowly dragged his weary body up the ladder in pursuit of the gold.
Before he could make it however, the challenger recovered and toppled the ladder, sending Michaels crashing out of the ring and through the four tables…just as he’d teased earlier:
The spot -which certainly cool- pretty much killed The Heartbreak Kid, giving the game all the time he needed to scale the ladder and reclaim the title he’d lost one month earlier at Survivor Series.
Your Winner and NEW World Heavyweight Champion: Triple H
As the show went off the air, a destroyed Shawn Michaels lay comatose on the outside while his nemesis scaled the top rope, his face a bloody mess but his hand holding a loft the championship.
WWE Armageddon 2002: Final Thoughts
Speaking of blood, the one thing I didn’t mention was that during Flair’s run-in, the Nature Boy bladed and proceeded to seriously gush.
I don’t mean he bled just a little, I mean he bled like he was competing on an NWA show booked by Dusty Rhodes back in the 80s.
I mean more blood than any of the two men actually competing in the match.
Anyway, Armageddon 2002 wasn’t the greatest PPV in the world but, then again, WWE’s December offerings have rarely ever been considered all-time classic shows.
The main event was the highlight of the night for me, though Benoit/Guerrero was also an enjoyable performance.
Given that the worst two things on the show weren’t matches at all but rather the Cena rap and that awful Dawn Marie business, I’m happy to say that this was at the very least a decent show.
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